Owls Head Light
You got it, another haunted Lighthouse on the Coast of Maine.

Rockland Breakwater Light
All sorts of information about the Breakwater Light. The hike from the shore to the lighthouse is .8 miles. Lots more information here.

Indian Island Lighthouse
Well, this one is InOp as we say when we fly old airplanes with In Operative equipment, sometimes, even new airplanes. Much more history here about the ups and downs of this light. The light is no longer operating, but the lighthouse building appears to be in good shape. It sits just outside of Rockport, Maine’s harbor.

Curtis Island Light
This light is located right outside Camden, Maine’s harbor. Lots of history with this lighthouse, read about it here.

Grindel Point Light
The entry point for most folks, unless you have your own boat or airplane, is the ferry dock at Grindel Point, Ilseboro, Maine. Oh, there is also a lighthouse there. More history here.

Dice Head Light
Another old light, marking the entrance to Castine, Maine and the Penobscot River. More

Fort Point Lighthouse
Here we are at the northern most lighthouse on Penobscot Bay, or perhaps the southern most point of the Penobscot River. Either way, there is a lot of colonial history here.