Downeast Lighthouses

Once you head Downeast from the Bar Harbor area, the lighthouses are further apart and the populated areas rapidly diminish.

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West Quoddy Lighthouse, one of Maine’s most iconic lighthouses.

Some how I missed Petit Manan lighthouse. It looks a bit like Boon Light off the coast in Southern Maine. I’ll get some pictures sometime this year.

The next light is Narraguagus Light on Pond Island

narraguagus island
Narraguagus Lighthouse
Narraguagas Lighthouse
Pond Island and Narraguagas Lighthouse (far right center)

Up next is the Nash Island Lighthouse. Lots of interesting old and new history about this lighthouse.

Nash island and lighthouse
Nash Island and Lighthouse

Moose Peak Lighthouse is the next light Downeast, it is located on Mistake Island, Southeast of Jonesport.

moose peak lighthouse
Moose Peak Lighthouse

Libby Island Light, another lonely light along th Downeast Maine coast.

libby island light
Libby Island Lighthouse
libby island lighthouse
Libby Island Lighthouse

Avery Rock Light — Gone

Little River Lighthouse You can stay at this lighthouse. The town of Cutler is located to the Northwest of the island.

little river lighthouse
Little River Lighthouse
little river lighthouse
Little River Lighthouse
little river lighthouse
Little River Lighthouse

Next is one of Maine’s most iconic lighthouses, West Quoddy Head Lighthouse.

est quoddy lighthouse
West Quoddy Lighthouse

Lubec Channel Light Now privately owned by some artist who lives in New York City. Go figure.

lubec channel light
Lubec Channel Light

Saint Croix River Lighthouse Destroyed by fire in 1976, now just a tower.

St. Croix River Light

Whitlocks Mill Lighthouse The most northern lighthouse in Maine, and also the last to be built.

whitlocks mill lighthouse
Whitlocks Mill Lighthouse