The GoPro’s are fair to good, but if you want to zoom in on a subject while editing, the lack of resolution is a real problem. In this video, I first reframed the shot of the grass field and then tried to zoom in on the seaplane. Less than optimal results. Take a look.
Androscoggin River at Bethel
Yesterday I flew my first solo flight to Bethel since last year. I was able to shoot some pretty good video of the Androscoggin River at Bethel. I decided to give myself a one day deadline to shoot the video, edit it and upload it. I made it, but of course, I see things that I could have done better.
Camden Hills
I’ve been working on this one off and on for several weeks. Color grading is not quite right, partially due to using both GoPro 8 and 9’s and partially because I don’t know what I’m doing. This video does a good job displaying the improved stabilization of the GP 9 when compared to the GP8. So why didn’t I use the GP9 more. It doesn’t send the display of what you are shooting to the iPhone, the GP8 does. Go figure, in some cases, the newer model has less capabilities than the older model.
Five Islands and an Updated Video
Our favorite lobster pound in the Midcoast Maine area is Five Islands. After flying by it a couple of days ago I decided to make a short video of it from the air. I then added an earlier video of my grandson jumping off their wharf into the cold Atlantic. Brr, but fun!
I also updated my video of the same flight this time from Waldoboro to Friendship and my sister’s cabin. This one clearly identifies her cabin.
Waldoboro to Martin Point (Friendship) Video
Now that I have my medical back, I’m back to shooting video. I have lots t process, but since family and friends are visiting this summer, I thought I’d put this together for them.
I Got my Medical Cert Back and More…
Yay, I can fly again by myself. I actually enjoying it more when I am flying with others, but its nice to know I can go up alone. A big thank you to Congresswoman Chellie Pingree’s office for assisting me regain my certificate.
I think that it is time to redo this web site. Thus far I’ve been concentrating on aerial photography and video stuff. My overall photography, videography skill level needs improvement. So. I’ll be reworking this web site to incorporate both aerial and land based images, maybe even some drone work. My primary subject matter will be Maine, but other areas will be added when feasible.
In case they choose not to give my FAA medical certificate back…
I’m getting in shape to climb the hills and dales by foot rather than by air.

The lady slippers are out, almost everywhere you look.

Final Cut Pro goes to Mt Washington, NH, USA
I’ve been working to improve my editing chops with a Ripple Training course on Final Cut Pro. The on-line course is excellent, my old brain, not so much. But it’s fun and sometimes you can teach and old dog new tricks.
I’m only about halfway through the course, so there is much more to come.
Mount Washington and Saddleback Mountain
Today was a great day for mountain flying! The winds were calm and the visibility was decent enough. I ended up with 180 images plus a couple of hours of video. That will keep me busy for a few days.

SOP, for me is to fly with another pilot when I’m taking pictures. Thanks Mark Bowker for flying with me today.