More or less, just for fun.
New Years Greeting
Gardens Aglow
Costal Gardens Boothbay, Maine
It is good to go at the earliest, 4:00 PM entry time. The setting sun allows you to see the lights from daylight thru twilight and then night.

Put’s Hot Toddy
1-2 shots bourbon – I use Split Rock
1-2 tablespoons maple syrup – Find maple syrup aged in bourbon casks (Split Rock has in stock)
Or, you can use Runamok Maple Cocktail Syrup (Maple Old Fashion) to give the drink a smoky flavor.
4-6 oz hot water
2-4 spritz orange bitters or smoked citrus bitters (Split Rock)
Lemon slice garnish
one or two cloves
Stir well
1/2 small lemon or 1/3 large lemon squeezed
Adjust bourbon to pain, maple syrup to sweetness and the rest to taste. Enjoy!
France 2019 – Prepared by Apple’s Photos
Going back in time, precovid, presurgery, pre, pre, pre.
Second Day – Versailles
A friend of a friend said ”If you haven’t visited Versailles, you haven’t been to France”. I don’t really agree with that. To me, the Chateau is just too over the top, too much of everything including too many visitors. But, after seeing all the gilt, finery, portraits, furniture, etc. you can start to understand how the French Revolution came to be and why so much of the royalty and nobles were destroyed. Too much hunger, disease and poverty will destroy, a lesson we never seem to learn. We are once again watching highly autocratic and centralized governments seize more and more power in Russia, China, the Mideast, south and central America and indeed in the US. Gilded toilets anyone?
So, maybe to understand France you do need to visit Versailles.

I visited Versailles once before, when I was 12 or 13. I don’t remember too much about the visit, but I do remember my Dad grumbling about the long trip to the Chateau from Paris. This time we took the metro and RER train, it as still a long, uncomfortable trip. ?
First day of wandering – Paris

We decided to wander around the Marais in Paris on our first day. Not enough energy to do much else.

Abominable Abdominal
Enough said on that subject; although, I will add no more cutting. Ugh!
Reviewing my last flight for additional sunset pictures. I kind of like this one.

Oscar’s Video
Emmeline’s boyfriend Oscar, created this video from our flight on July 18. Sorry, so far no shots of Oscar. Oh wait, here’s a non aviation picture taken by Anne Ferrard.

Sheepscot River in Fog
Plus an explosive ending, recommended by Nicholas, no more boring videos.