Recently, we flew up to Millinocket and Baxter State Park. But this time, we went to visit Traveler Mountain. Here is a short video of the trip.
Fun with ChatGPT
I want a story about Mount Katahdin from 66 million years ago just before the dinosaurs died out.
66 million years ago, the world was a vastly different place. The land that would one day become Maine was a lush, tropical paradise, home to giant reptiles and other strange creatures.
Mount Katahdin, which today is the highest point in the state, was a towering volcano, its fiery peak visible for miles around.
As the dinosaurs roamed the landscape, the volcano rumbled and erupted, sending ash and molten rock spewing into the air. The dinosaurs paid little attention to the volcano, going about their business as usual.
But one day, the volcano erupted with a force unlike any seen before. Ash and lava covered the land, and the dinosaurs didn’t stand a chance.
But the volcano wasn’t done yet. A massive eruption occurred, and a huge amount of ash and debris were thrown into the atmosphere, blocking out sunlight. The Earth’s climate changed dramatically, and the dinosaurs went extinct, along with many other species.
Mount Katahdin, however, stood tall and proud, a symbol of the power and destruction of nature. Over the next millions of years, erosion and time would shape the mountain into the majestic peak we know today.
But the memory of that catastrophic event lived on, embedded in the rocks and mountains, a reminder of the awesome power of nature and the fragility of life on Earth.

Not quite correct. Geologists think that Katahdin’s volcanic period was 400 Ma. The dinosaurs died out 66 Ma possibly by an asteroid strike in the Yucatán Penninsula. Try the story again, but his time let us know what the dinosaurs believed in
I apologize for any confusion, you are correct that the volcanic activity of Mount Katahdin occurred much earlier than the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Let’s imagine a story set during the Late Triassic period, around 200 million years ago. The land that would one day become Maine was a vastly different place. It was a hot and humid place, with lush vegetation and a diverse array of creatures roaming the land.
The dinosaurs of this time were a varied group, with some resembling the massive, lumbering beasts we know today, while others were small and agile. They all had one thing in common though, they all believed in the power of the Earth.
The volcano that would one day become Mount Katahdin was considered a sacred place by these ancient creatures. They believed that the volcano held the power of the Earth and that it was a source of life and creation.
The dinosaurs would often make the pilgrimage to the volcano, to give offerings to the Earth and to ask for its protection. The ash from the volcano was used to fertilize the land, and the dinosaurs believed that the lava from the volcano was the blood of the Earth.
As the volcano erupted and spewed ash and molten rock into the air, the dinosaurs would dance and sing in celebration of the Earth’s power. They believed that the volcano was a sign of the Earth’s vitality and that it would always protect and provide for them.
But as time passed, the volcano became less active, and the dinosaurs began to lose faith in the Earth. They stopped making the pilgrimage to the volcano, and eventually forgot about the sacred place altogether.
But the volcano, now known as Mount Katahdin, still stood tall, a silent reminder of the power of the Earth and the ancient beliefs of the dinosaurs.

hmm, I think you are confusing Native American, in this case, Wabanaki, beliefs for what dinosaurs believed. We, as mammals, seem to think dinosaurs were just critters who were born, ate, slept, bred and died. But perhaps they had their own gods and their own beliefs. Try the story again.
You’re correct, my apologies for that confusion. It’s impossible for us to know what beliefs, if any, dinosaurs held, as they were extinct long before any human civilization existed.
Instead, let’s imagine a story set during the Late Triassic period, around 200 million years ago. The land that would one day become Maine was a vastly different place. It was a hot and humid place, with lush vegetation and a diverse array of creatures roaming the land.
The dinosaurs of this time were a varied group, with some resembling the massive, lumbering beasts we know today, while others were small and agile. They all had one thing in common though, they all had to adapt and survive in the ever-changing environment.
The volcano that would one day become Mount Katahdin was a natural wonder to them. It was a formidable and imposing presence, whose ash and lava would shape the surrounding landscape. Some dinosaurs avoided the volcano and its dangers, while others thrived around the volcano, taking advantage of the nutrient-rich soil and the protection provided by the ash.
As the volcano erupted and spewed ash and molten rock into the air, the dinosaurs would scatter, some running for their lives, others taking advantage of the confusion to hunt for food. The ash and lava would change the landscape and create new opportunities for different dinosaurs to thrive.
But as time passed, the volcano became less active, and the dinosaurs adapted to the new environment. The ash and lava solidified and became part of the land, shaping the mountain we know today as Mount Katahdin. The volcano was no longer a threat but a part of the landscape, that the dinosaurs had learned to coexist with.
The memory of the volcano was passed down through generations of dinosaurs, who would tell the tales of the fearsome mountain that once roared to life, shaping their world and influencing the evolution of their species.

I don’t think Katahdin was an active volcano 66 Ma.
I apologize for any confusion, you are correct that Mount Katahdin was not an active volcano 66 million years ago. The mountain was formed during a mountain-building event known as the Acadian orogeny, which took place approximately 400 million years ago. The dinosaurs went extinct around 66 million years ago, likely due to an asteroid impact or a massive volcanic event. My apologies for any inaccuracies in my previous statements.

Please write the story again
66 million years ago, the world was a vastly different place. The land that would one day become Maine was a part of a continent called Pangaea, which was slowly breaking apart. The environment was warm and humid, home to giant reptiles, mammals, and other strange creatures.
Mount Katahdin, which today is the highest point in the state, was not yet formed. The area was a plain, with no hills or mountains. The land was covered in lush vegetation, providing food and shelter for the dinosaurs that roamed the land.
As the dinosaurs went about their lives, an asteroid, about 10 kilometers across, slammed into the Yucatan Peninsula in present-day Mexico. The impact created a massive explosion, throwing billions of tons of dust and debris into the atmosphere, blocking out the sun. The Earth’s climate changed dramatically, and the dinosaurs went extinct, along with many other species.
But the land wasn’t done changing, millions of years later the continental plates collided and the Appalachian mountain range was formed, including Mount Katahdin. The mountain was shaped by erosion and tectonic activity over millions of years. Today, it stands as a reminder of the Earth’s ever-changing nature and the fragility of life on our planet.

but Katahdin was formed 400 MA, so please rewrite the story.
You are correct, Mount Katahdin was formed around 400 million years ago, during a mountain-building event known as the Acadian orogeny. My apologies for any inaccuracies in my previous statements.
Let’s imagine a story set during the Late Devonian period, around 360 million years ago. The land that would one day become Maine was part of a supercontinent called Euramerica. The area was mountainous, with towering peaks and deep valleys. The climate was cool and humid, and the landscape was covered in dense forests.
The ancient creatures that lived in this time were very different from the dinosaurs, the dominant life forms were fish and amphibians. The area around Mount Katahdin was home to a diverse array of creatures, from giant dragonflies to massive armored fish.
The mountain, which would one day be called Katahdin, was still being formed. Molten rock was pushing up from deep within the Earth, slowly building the mountain higher and higher. Ash and lava spewed from the volcano, and the surrounding area was covered in a thick layer of volcanic ash and rock.
As the mountain continued to grow, it changed the local environment. Rivers and streams were dammed, creating new lakes and wetlands. The ash and rock from the volcano provided a rich source of nutrients for the plants and animals that lived in the area.
Over time, the volcano became less active, and the mountain’s peak began to erode. Rain and wind wore down the rock, carving valleys and creating the rugged terrain we see today. The mountain became a haven for a diverse array of plants and animals, and it continues to shape the local environment and influence the evolution of the species that call it home.
Today, Mount

You didn’t finish the story
I apologize for not finishing the story. Let me continue:
Today, Mount Katahdin is a popular hiking and camping destination and it continues to stand as a testament to the Earth’s powerful geologic processes. The mountain’s rich history, dating back hundreds of millions of years, is still visible in the rocks and minerals that make up its peaks and valleys. It’s a reminder of the ever-changing nature of our planet and the continuity of life that has adapted and thrived in its environment. It’s a place where visitors can connect with the past and appreciate the forces that shaped the world around us.

You left out the dinosaurs
You are correct, I apologize for leaving out the dinosaurs in my previous story. The dinosaurs did not exist when Mount Katahdin was formed, they appeared around 230 million years ago and went extinct around 65 million years ago. The mountain was formed much earlier than that, during the Devonian period around 360 million years ago. My apologies for any confusion caused by this oversight.
January Flight to Katahdin
First Trip to Katahdin
We made our first trip to Millinocket and Katahdin, today January 18, 2023. The trip up was uneventful, Millinocket airport was plowed but somewhat icy. The mountains had a lot of clouds and some wind, so we didn’t venture too close.

Hope our next trip is clearer.
Looking for a Weather Window
Now that the plane is fixed, I’m looking for a good time to fly to Millinocket and then around Katahdin. I’d like to get some more images of Katahdin, but now that I know a little more about the geology of the region I’d like to get some shots of Traveler Mountain as well.
So why stop at Millinocket? The GoPro batteries can not tolerate the cold flying from Brunswick to Katahdin. So I’ll land at Millinocket, put the warm batteries in, then fly around the mountain. The GoPro 8 battery will probably fail after 10 minutes but the GP 9 enhanced battery may continue to roll. I’d sure like to find a real camera that is both affordable and can tolerate cold weather.
Stopping at Millinocket will also let me visit the Baxter State Park HQ. It is only a few blocks from the airport.
But the biggest problem is finding a weather window in January that is good for both southern and northern Maine. I need clear skies to the surface and fairly calm winds. Good luck with that.
As I wait for the plane to be repaired:

Baxter State Park
I ordered two maps and a book on Baxter State Park (BSP) geology the end of last year. Yesterday they arrived, all in good shape, other than the mail carrier trying to stuff a large envelope into our normal sized mailbox. No damage done. I was very pleased with the quick turn around of the maps and books from BSP. Thank you!

Everyday, NASA publishes an image of its various activities. I found this one to be particularly interesting – where everything came from.
Tetonic Plates and Katahdin
The University of Sydney (Australia), has all sorts of interesting animated graphics depicting among other things the movement of tectonic plates. After studying several of their graphics, its become obvious why my question about where Katahdin originated is a bit naive. There has been such a huge shift in the location of these plates since 200 Million Years Ago (Ma) when according to U of Sydney models the earth looked like this. This image sketches out the last giant super continent, Pangea.

Going back 400 Ma, prior to the formation of Pangea, the continents were unrecognizable, at least to my uneducated eyes. But this was the age you find references to Katahdin’s origin, perhaps as a super volcano. At this point, I’ll accept that the origin of Katahdin remains a mystery.
The GPlate app that generated the above graphic.
GPlates Portal (University of Sydney) All sorts of interesting graphics for those interested in earth sciences including tectonic plate movement.
2023 Plans
I hope to explore the mountain by airplane, drone and on foot. Well, I had hoped to use a drone, turns out Baxter State Park does not allow drones to operate from park property. Not a big deal.