Thankful November 28, 2024

I’m feeling thankful for the last four years of relative peace. Much of the world is in flames, turmoil and crisis, but here for me, life has been relatively tranquil. Unfortunately this will not be the case for at least the next four years. The divisiveness that has beset this country has only expanded and deepened. This has allowed those who thrive on chaos and fear to come to power. We will pay an heavy price for this foolishness.

Who will benefit as we descend from greatness? Our adversaries of course! China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and others all want us to be diminished. How are they accomplishing this? Divide and conquer, it is one of homo sapiens earliest tactic to overcome a stronger enemy; and, it has been well played by the above named countries.

We red and blue Americans stare at each other, wishing the other side would disappear. In the meantime, China, Russia and Iran are sharpening their knives. While we turn our eyes inward, thinking the enemy is within, those on the outside will take what they want.

So, I’m thankful for what we had. I can only look into the future with a steely resolve not to be afraid but also not to bend to the will of the chaos mongers. Life will be different.

My protest song: “Yes, we have no bananas”. The reason will become obvious in the future.